For the longest, and as a young entrepreneur I believed that I will attract many and high paying clients simply because I do incredible websites and design ...
Most people think because they have a website and social media, they have a running business." But let me ask you this are you really speaking to the right ...
I thought that the sole purpose of starting my business was to make me money. It was until much later on that I learnt to live for a greater cause than just ...
It may shock you that the bravest animal in the jungle is NOT the lion. Neither is it the elephant nor the tiger. It is the tiny honey badger. The honey badger ...
I have felt like quitting a million and one times. I have hated entrepreneurship on times when business was low. Nobody prepared me for moments when I wasn't ...
Of the so many upcoming entrepreneurs I have coached in branding, only 1% really knew *WHY* they were running a business. A whopping 99% just looked for a fancy ...